2015: Die fragile Präsenz des Autors in der Fotografie

"Die fragile Präsenz des Autors in der Fotografie" ("The Fragile Presence Of An Author In His Photography") is my bachelor thesis. In this book the old question "Is the photography man-made or just 'ex machina'?" is discussed and presented once more. During my research I encountered quite contrary points of view, beginning with 'Baudelaire' and his kind of hatred for this new medium, I further dove into 'Pfau', 'de la Sizeranne' and found, that multiple people presented their opinions but no one ever created some kind of scientific model to proof some kind of human presence inside a photograph. This thesis is trying to fill that gap, presenting a comprehensive model to proof the ideal, physical and metaphysical presence of its author in every photograph.
2015: Ellerin Büyüsü
"Ellerin Büyüsü" ("The Magic Of The Hand") was an art exhibition in 2015 where the collection of Hans Zilch has been shown in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir together with contemporary art. The exhibit was curated by Ibrahim Karaoglu and Michael Maske, an artist based in Braunschweig and good friend of mine. I have been asked to photograph the collection of Hans Zilch and was thrilled to be able to hold originals of 'David Lynch', 'Pablo Picasso', 'Georg Baselitz', 'Joseph Beuys' and others in my bare hands. More so, I was given the honor to provide the photos for the official exhibition catalog.